About Careers Incorporated

  • Careers Incorporated offers a variety of services such as job placement in Sales, Hospitals and Healthcare as well as small business.
  • Locally owned with over 25 years experience recruiting nationality for Sales, hospitals and Healthcare as well as Small Business.
  • A member of the First Interview Network, a nationwide network that enables us to find qualified candidates from coast to coast.
  • Work with other recruiting offices both locally and nationally.
  • All candidates are prescreened for your convenience.
  • Candidate’s resumes will not leave our office without their permission.
  • In depth interviews and thorough reference checks can be requested before the candidate is presented to you.
  • Out-of-town interviews can be scheduled through us, interviewing facilities are available and video interviews can be conducted for your convenience.
  • Additional services offered are career guidance, counseling for interviews, advice on dressing for success and work.
  • Company time spent advertising, pre-interviewing and qualifying candidates is reduced substantially.
If you have any questions regarding your recruiting needs please don't hesitate to call. We at Careers Incorporated still carry forward our very basic business philosophy - We Guarantee Quality not Quantity.

©Copyright 2000-Present Careers Incorporated
Email - info@careersincorporated.com
Phone - 563.386.1986